Real Estate MARKETING Insights

As a marketing, business and sales consultant, trainer and planner, for four decades, and a New York State Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, for more than a decade, I consider myself well - versed in the realities, nuances, needs, and options, when it relates to marketing real estate. Rather than make this a somewhat boring, technical discussion, I felt using a mnemonic perspective, and identifying the keys and possibilities, as they relate to real estate MARKETING, might be interesting and beneficial, both to professionals in the field, as well as individuals hoping to best market and sell their homes.
1. Merits: Clearly identify and understand the home's merits and weaknesses! How can you accentuate the positive, and show potential buyers, why your home, might be the one for them? Why do you consider these aspects to be merits and/ or benefits? It is important to realize that one of the essential keys to marketing houses, is selling the benefits (rather than the technical details or data)!
2. Assets; attention: Remember, for most people, their house is their single largest asset! Why should a potential buyer want to live in your home? What distinguishes it, and what are its principal assets and strengths? How can focus and attention, be best centered around the main strengths?
3. Relative: Know the competition! It may see strange to some, but it would benefit most home sellers, to attend open houses, for other houses, so you might be best able to compare, and understand your local market (and what the market might bear). Doing this will help one better be ready, able and willing, to price his house properly from the start! How does your house compare, relative to the rest of the local market? Try to be objective!
4. Knowledge: Each local real estate market, has its distinctive nuances, etc! Have a thorough discussion with your real estate professional, and ask your agent, to share his insights and knowledge of the local market, so you can better perceive and have more realistic expectations!
5. Energy; enrich: Seek a real estate agent, who oozes energy, and positive, enriching focus! If the agent is not energetic, potential buyers will generally be less enthusiastic!
6. Timely; trends; tailoring: Seek an agent who responds and acts promptly, so every opportunity might be seized! Timely action and decisions, might make the difference between the possibility and/ or price of a sale! Seek someone who takes advantage of the relative trends, including all marketing avenues, and options! You need someone who will tailor his marketing plan, to best fit your property!
7. Insights; ideas: A quality agent shares his insights and ideas with his clients, and explains how, the best marketing approach, is when homeowner and agent, work as a team, and are on the same page!
8. Needs; niche: Is there a specific niche, which might be most attracted to your home? How might a specific home, fit the needs and priorities, of a certain group of people?
9. Gain: The purpose of a quality, marketing plan, is to gain attention, views, and bring offers, for your home!
MARKETING is an essential, key component of selling houses. Hopefully, these basic insights, have driven home, some of the reasoning!

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